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Kevork George Kassabian “Art The Possible, 401 days …”

On the 25th of January 2015 “Arvestagir” was in exhibition by Kevork George Kassabian  named ” Art The Possible, 401 days …”, which was held at the Artists’ Union of Armenia. The curator of exhibition  is  Pietro Franezi from Italia. During the exhibition, visitors have an  opportunity to get acquainted with the latest works of the artist created during “the last 401 days” . Kevork George Kassabian was loyal  inherent for his minimalistic style. At this time, the artist has touched the theme of elegance of the female body and presented hyper-realistic monochrome works that attract the viewer by  subtle transitions and scrupulous processing. The artist managed to achieve maximum sensuality by minimal means of expression.Kevork-George-Kassabian-poster-002

Sculptural works are spatial expressions of the same forms, which attract especially by materials and structures.

In another series presented unreal glass-like material , reminding  the shape of  female body and as if repeating  these forms, gives to the exhibition a colorful and bright mood.

This series is a synthesis of presented paintings and sculptures and as if  located on borderline  of these series.

  Kevork George Kassabian distinguished by his art, based on “knowledge”, where each work of art has its own technical secret of creating, starting from the origin of the material.

  That’s why on the lips of at the visitors was one question – “How it’s done”.  The art lovers can find answers to these and many other questions during  the next two days of the exhibition.

Photos by Hasmik Barkhudaryan

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