+374 99 12 80 82 Friday - 17 January 2025

About Us

“Arvestagir” is an online cultural magazine which aims to foster, propagate Armenian culture, contribute to the development and research of Armenian art, at the same time to follow the events concerning Armenian and global cultural world and represent them to the reader.

Nowadays there are propitious conditions for the complementation of the existing omissions and for the application of new approaches in the research of Armenian art. Now, when the principles of art history generated in Soviet Era have depleted themselves and have lost their modernity, when the attempts made in the first years of Independence have  been partially succeeded and when there is no precisely developed system and principle of classification and archiving  of works of art these days, appears a  demand for new platforms concerning art history. Broadly speaking, in the period of Independence there are some issues and oversights in all aspects of culture and it is necessary to unite over a single idea.

Our online cultural magazine will comprise articles and essays, interviews and news of cultural world, books and archived materials, photos and videos, as well as catalogs. Arvestagir calls for all devoted people from different fields of culture to cooperate, send articles and materials, inform about coming cultural events (email address info@arvestagir.am), become a member by enriching the archive of Arvestagir and employing it to the common goal. Arvestagir will give an opportunity to the young artists who do not have the catalogs of their works, to have the digital version of them in the website arvestagir.am with the analytical preface. In the current cultural field Arvestagir definitely  could have its considerable contribution to help the lovers of art  to have access to  the “note about art” («արվեստի մասին գիրը») and in the promotion of Armenian art’s research and cultural life as well.

The Founders of  cultural magazine “Arvestagir”, Coordinators and Authors

Hasmik Barkhudaryan

Co-founder of  cultural magazine “Arvestagir”, Coordinator and Author

Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory).  The circle of her professional interests encompasses Armenian fine art of Soviet Era, particularly that of 1960-1980ss, Armenian fine art of Post-Soviet Period. The strategy of the latter and the issues of classification and archiving, the view on the contemporary Armenian art in the global art context. She works currently at the Yerevan History Museum as an art theorist.

Hegin300x300Heghine Khachatryan

Co-founder of  cultural magazine “Arvestagir”, Coordinator and Author

Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). Her interests in art history enclose Armenian fine art of XIX-XX centuries, its impact on the cultural and political life, Armenian fine art of the following years and the paths of its development nowadays. She is interested in the archaeology and fashion as well, especially in the relations between Armenian fashion and art and in the viewing of the global fashion context.

Gayane Babayan

Coordinator and Author

Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). Her professional interests concern Early Christian, Medieval art and culture, particularly the research and preservation of  Armenian Medieval art and culture. She is interested in the archaeology and in the issues related to the cultural heritage research and working out of preservation policy in Armenia as well.

Anahit Galstayn

Coordinator and Author

Art Historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the bachelor degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). The circle of her professional interests encompasses Armenian Medieval ecclesiastical architecture and mural painting, particularly the restoration and conservation of the latter, also the influence of Armenian art on the architectural monuments pertaining to the period of Seljuk Sultanate of Rum in Asia Minor and the history of Seljuk Turks in general.

Karine Grigoryan


Art Historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). She researches the architecture and Armenian Medieval ecclesiastical architecture in particular, having in the circle of her interest other fields of art as well. She also works as a tourist guide, conducting mainly historical-cultural tours and aspiring to represent Armenian culture to the foreigners.

Silvia Manucharyan


Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). Her professional interests include Armenian fine art of XIX-XX centuries. Now she works at the National Gallery of Armenia in the section of Armenian painting as a volunteer.

Arevik Prazyan


Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). Her professional interests comprise Armenian art of Soviet and Post-Soviet periods, the research of Medieval Armenian sculpture and Diaspora artists’ creative activities as well.  She works at the YSU Cultural Centre as a program coordinator.

Vartouhi Kzlyan


Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). Her professional interests encircle the archaeology, art and architecture of Urartu.

Astghik Amirbekyan


Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). Her research interests are related mainly to the carpet making and the research of Armenian carpet making. She works currently at the “Hub” Foundation of Popular Art as a carpet maker.

Nare Tsaturyan


Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). The circle of her professional interests encloses Armenian fine art from Medieval period up to now. She is interested especially in the research of Armenian art in Diasporas. Her other interest is make-up and now  she stands out as an art historian and a make-up artist.

Astghik Apresyan


Art historian

The alumna of Yerevan State University with the master’s degree (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory). The circle of her professional interests concerns Early Christian, Medieval art and culture, particularly the research of Armenian book illumination and the preservation of ancient manuscripts.

MichMarg-300x300Michael Margaryan


Movie critic

He is a co-founder, main author, creative director and supporting vocalist of Armenian “AnYooNa x Mikko” musical project. Also he active in journalism, drama writing, and art reviews. Currently he works on his own “Beatmaker”, “Scream Silent”, “Aghdam: Curious Trip”, and “Reality” dramatic web series scripts.

DavPetro300x300David Petrosyan



Alumnus of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Faculty of Architecture and Design, has master’s degree. He has worked at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of NAS of RA, as well as at the Scientific Centre of the historical and cultural heritage and at the museum-institute of Alexander Tamanyan from 2012 to 2015. He has taken part also in the archaeological excavations at the historical city of Artashat and Teishebaini fortress from 2012-2014. He has written several scholarly articles concerning different research topics. His professional interests encompass all branches and subbranches of Armenian Studies.

HaykGyulamir300x300Hayk Gyulamiryan


Archaeologist, Cultural

YSU Faculty of History, Department of Cultural Studies: bachelor, YSU Faculty of History, Department of Archaeology and Ethnography: Master’s degree. Professional interest is related to the spiritual and material culture of the ancient Armenian, medieval churchs, sacred music. Since 2011 he works at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography as a senior laboratory assistant. He participated in many excavations in Armenia: Shengavit, Artashat, Teyshebani Masis Blur, participated in a thorough study of the territory of the so-called “Sardari Bagher.” Project Manager “Erebuni. Past and Present ” under the leadership of the Municipality of Yerevan in the framework of “Erebuni-Yerevan, the old city a new perspective”.

Separately, is interested in music, in particular in the role of the Armenian music in the context of the world of music, its development and the decline in the past and in the present.

Arev300x300Arevik Makhsudian


Journalist of culture
Student of YSLU,future journalist of culture.
Interested in different fields of art:Music,Paintings.Graduated from college of the department Translation and Tourism.Loves also literature and works in the bookshop “Bookinist”.