«Bridging stories» photo exhibition on the 24th of January

Category: Posters

Bridging-stories-photo-exhibitionOn the 24th of January,2017, at 16:00 at Armenian Centre for Experimential Art (ACCEA\NPAK) will host the opening of «Bridging stroies» photo exhibition.Participants from Armenia and Turkey, as well as the photographers John Stanmeyer, Anush Babajanyan and Serra Akcan, will also be present. The exhibition will be open for two weeks, closing on February 7th.

Storyteller’s Cafe NGO, through the support of the U.S. Embassy in Armenia, has been implementing the #BridgingStories project led by National Geographic photographer John Stanmeyer, beginning August 2016.The purpose of the project has been to bring together young photographers from Armenia and Turkey, joining the two groups through learning of photographic storytelling techniques and sharing their stories.

The entrance is free.

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