+374 99 12 80 82 Понедельник - 10 Март 2025

Artist is a magician of ideas… Varoujan Cheterian and Gabriel Vizner in Armenia

What is art? Humanity has encountered  this question for a lot of ages. Some people would say that art is a way of survival, others should insist that it is an expression of life. Emotions, ideas, thoughts and feelings: these are the things that we may find in any piece of work of any artist. I’m strongly inclined to the view, that art is considered to be a connection between nations. Apparently we may persome that it helps us discover new people, new ideas and new cultures and all these things have one language- art. Varoujan Cheterian and Gabriel Vizner are the essential part of international art family. A short visit to Armenia was a great chance for the two artists to discover new culture and to introduce themselves in a specific and original way. Varoujan Cheterian lives in Geneva and now studies and makes music. He states that drumms were the first steps in his further music life. Varoujan started with lots of bands and genres. At this period of life he is playing jazz, psyhodelic rock and electronic music. Varoujan has three bands with whom is playing concerts in music festivals (Rapkreation, Eugene, Among the Limbs). Its interesting to note that for Varoujan the most significant and wonderful part of creating music is the process of mixing all the generes together. In his point of view the first step of any artist is searching himself and he states that music playes a great role in his life and it is a tool that makes the process of acknowledging himself easier. Varoujan states that music is always connected with you, even if you are sad,happy or nervious’, states Varoujan.


However the art life in Armenia and even in other contries has a lot of advatanges but the drawbacks are also a great obstacles  which are simply connected with finance, the lack of interested public and the voice of the government where you are living. Varoujan states that in Europe you can find and you can make your own public, but it is harder to get money from government or state because sometimes your artcriticizes the way of government system. Hence if you want your art make dependent you should isolate it from the state and the state money. Nowadays,everything that we live, can be art and that is the interest, the color of art life. In the point of view of Varoujan artists are outside the society because they are creating something absolute,original,unseen. Artists are the magicians of ideas,thats the point of art.

Gabriel Vizner, is another example of a beginer artist which has a creative and colorful mind. His film «Metamorphose of black» was projected in Yerevan (Nor Arvestanots) and made a lot of sucess. Gabriel is a Swiss diractor and is from an artistic family. He is living in a Visual world (Photography, films and drawings…). Gabriel’s  films mainly introduce his feelings and his impressions during his lifetime. «Metamorphose of black is mainly based on the esthetic simetries and visual art and is a combination of dancing, photos and texts.

Gabriel and Varoujan are great examples of colorful youth and artistic society. It is quite essential not to forget another pivotal aspect about artist, that is the cross-cultural connection. The isolation of an artist makes his own art vulnerable. Thus the main obligation of an artist should be the ability to disover something new, to talk about the things and to see the things that were unnoticable in the past.

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